Authenticity Guarantee
Vogenor has Zero Tolerance Policy towards counterfeit, replica, fake, and Company Surplus products with manufacturing defects. Â We are committed to selling 100% authentic products sourced directly from the brands, authorized licensees and official reputed dealers.
All of our 10,000+ products from 250+ iconic brands comes with our ASSURANCE OF AUTHENTICITY, and will reach you with original packing and company tags. Just in case you face any issue, please be assured that Vogenor will be on your side to resolve it or to refund you immediately.
All of our 10,000+ products from 250+ iconic brands comes with our ASSURANCE OF AUTHENTICITY, and will reach you with original packing and company tags. Just in case you face any issue, please be assured that Vogenor will be on your side to resolve it or to refund you immediately.